MEDIA - AO2019-09
The Abita Springs Opry is a series of music concerts held six times a year and is produced by a nonprofit organization, Abita Opry Inc. The show has the mission of preserving and presenting Louisiana "Roots" music. Our music is played primarily acoustically, in its original form.
Our main thrust is old-time Country, Bluegrass, and traditional Southern Gospel music, but we often present other forms of traditional Louisiana music such as Cajun, Zydeco, Irish, or other types that reflect the many different groups of people who are part of our diverse culture. |

Steve Anderson Group:
Steve is a true Abita Opry veteran. He is very popular. He can deliver those old-time country classics beautifully. He has a very rich full voice and hits those notes and stylings of the music perfectly. Steve is backed up by some fine musicians. He is joined in vocals by Jan Biggs who can also put a song out there with a strong punch. They are our longest lasting house band, and we still love to hear them perform. |

Little Freddie King:
We are really looking forward to this newcomer to the Opry. Little Freddie king is a nationally known performer. He is New Orleans based and has been appearing regularly around the Big Easy. He will give us what is sometimes referred to as “gut bucket” blues. One of our regular performers, Robert Snow, who has been on our stage as a bass player with a number of groups arranged to bring Little Freddie King to our stage. Robert is one of the most demanded bassists in this area, and he will be on stage with this act.
Tuba Skinny:
This group is currently one of the best traditional jazz groups in the New Orleans area. They hardly need introduction to the Opry audience. They have appeared here before. They are well known internationally and locally. They have traveled all over Europe, and have visited Australia. They might be performing at prestigious venues or on street corners. In New Orleans, they regularly appear at the Jazz fest, French Quarter Festival in clubs on Frenchmen Street, but can also be seen busking on the streets. They were the first group of buskers who appeared at the Opry, and opened the door to that wonderful group of New Orleans-based musicians. Tuba Skinny also is the perennial close-out act for the annual Abita Springs Busker Festival. They are very popular with our audience and we are really glad they will be part of our 100th show. |
Zion Harmonizers:
If you have ever visited the Gospel Tent at the New Orleans Jazz Fest, you can give thanks to this group. The Harmonizers, under the leadership of the late Sherman Washington originated the Gospel Tent and still appear there every year. They are one of the premier Gospel groups in the country and have been at the Opry several times. They always bring the audience to its feet in a joyous expression of Gospel music. The current group leader Brezella Briscoe is promising to being a new twist to the Harmonizers, the inclusion of a female vocalist. We are looking forward to that. |