MEDIA - AO2017-Buskers Festival
The Abita Springs Opry is a series of music concerts held six times a year and is produced by a nonprofit organization, Abita Opry Inc. The show has the mission of preserving and presenting Louisiana "Roots" music. Our music is played primarily acoustically, in its original form.
Our main thrust is old-time Country, Bluegrass, and traditional Southern Gospel music, but we often present other forms of traditional Louisiana music such as Cajun, Zydeco, Irish, or other types that reflect the many different groups of people who are part of our diverse culture. |

The Wasted Lives
Matt Bell and Joy Patterson head up this group. Matt is one of those go-to musicians around New Orleans who performs in many different groups. He and Joy also collaborate in several configurations. The Wasted Lives offer a very unique jazzy sound that is a real audience pleaser.

Jackson and the Janks
Jackson and the Janks is a relatively new group playing Americana — country mixed with blues.
The Gentilly Stompers
The Gentilly Stompers were formed early in 2016 by a great lady trumpet-player - Catie Rodgers. Her own playing is first-class and she is a good leader - giving clear directions and encouraging all members of the band to show what they can do. The group is named after Gentilly, the New Orleans suburb about four miles north of the French Quarter. Gentilly is on the south side of Lake Pontchartrain and it is also where The University of New Orleans is situated. |
The Shakemup Jazz Band
The group was organized by Shaye Cohn. Shaye is one of the most versatile and talented musicians in New Orleans. She has performed with several groups and is an accomplished multi-instrumentalist. She provides strong background leadership in the groups in which she performs. You might be familiar with her name, but musicians and people who follow New Orleans music closely are fully aware of her talents and contributions. Shaye organized this group for a specific function and is a conglomerate of members of several different groups who are all strong musicians.


Tuba Skinny
This busker group has been performing very traditional Bluesy Jazz for several years. Their lead vocalist, Erica Lewis can really deliver a song while being backed by some amazing young musicians. They are very well known in the New Orleans music scene and have gained popularity in this area. They are well traveled, having performed in Europe, Australia and all over the U.S. They were the very first busker group to appear on our stage and has led us to understand the powerful spirit and skill buskers put into their music.