MEDIA - AO2013-09
The Abita Springs Opry is a series of music concerts held six times a year and is produced by a nonprofit organization, Abita Opry Inc. The show has the mission of preserving and presenting Louisiana "Roots" music. Our music is played primarily acoustically, in its original form.
Our main thrust is old-time Country, Bluegrass, and traditional Southern Gospel music, but we often present other forms of traditional Louisiana music such as Cajun, Zydeco, Irish, or other types that reflect the many different groups of people who are part of our diverse culture. |

The Steve Anderson Group
Steve Anderson has become one of the favorite and most beloved performers on our stage. He has a very soulful sound and can interpret greats like Hank Williams and Jimmie Rodgers better than most performers. Steve is a life long local resident who cut his teeth on the greats and taught himself to offer masterful renditions of the country classics. He is often joined by Jan Biggs on harmonies, and she can belt them out with style. |

Buffalo Death Rattle
These young people are part of the new wave of young musicians who have gravitated to New Orleans following Katrina to bring some fresh blood into the great New Orleans Music scene. These groups have studied up and perform traditional music with a lot of energy, skill and style. They know how to get into the spirit of the music. This group who performed at our Busker Festival last spring specializes in Cajun Music. |
Sweet Olive String Band
If there would be an Abita Opry Hall of Fame, two of the musicians in this group would certainly be members. Pat Flory on Mandolin and Dobro is one of the originators of the Abita Opry's predecessor and role model, the Piney Woods Opry. Pat is an icon in this area among those who perform traditional Country and Bluegrass music. Gina Forsyth ranks among the best fiddle players in this state. Her virtuoso styling and amazing versatility has landed her on our stage, perhaps more than any other single musician. Her hard-driving and energetic playing is a treat for audiences. We are looking forward to hearing their latest offering. |
John Eubanks & His New Orleans Jazz Quartet
John is one of the better known musicians in the area. He was a big hit at the Landing Concert in Covington recently, and, if his level of musicianship is any indication of what he will bring to the Opry stage, we are in for a treat. Also, there is no music form that will get into your blood more that some of that great New Orleans old time Jazz. |