MEDIA - AO2011-05
The Abita Springs Opry is a series of music concerts held six times a year and is produced by a nonprofit organization, Abita Opry Inc. The show has the mission of preserving and presenting Louisiana "Roots" music. Our music is played primarily acoustically, in its original form.
Our main thrust is old-time Country, Bluegrass, and traditional Southern Gospel music, but we often present other forms of traditional Louisiana music such as Cajun, Zydeco, Irish, or other types that reflect the many different groups of people who are part of our diverse culture. |
Pot Luck String Band
Our house band offers a very traditional mix of bluegrass and old-style country music. The group’s leader, Van Glynn is a very talented multi-instrumentalist who is also knowledgeable about the origin of the songs and the musicians who originally performed them. The group is rounded out by vocalist-guitarists Steve Buckholtz and Mike Myhal. Barbara Ayme on banjo and vocals and David Talmadge on bass and vocals complete the group.

Babineaux Sisters Cajun Band
It is gratifying to see very young people performing traditional music. In this case, not only the style of music, but the use of the Cajun language is being preserved by youngsters. Since our mission is Louisiana cultural preservation, we need to have groups like this at the Opry. We are looking forward to this group of young musicians and their mentors.
By and By String Band
Kiyoko McCrae was well-received when she performed traditional music at her previous performance at the Opry. She and her group specialize in the music that was first recorded by the famous Carter Family. This is important to roots music preservation because A.P. Carter collected obscure Appalachian folk music and was one of the very first groups of musicians to perform what would evolve into country music on the radio. Their effort defines roots music and we are pleased to have them at the Opry.
Corey Walters and her
Traditional New Orleans Brass Band
We are excited about this group that will finish up the Opry spring season and put an exclamation point on it. Brass band music has always been an integral part of the New Orleans music scene, and is an incubator for New Orleans’ most significant contribution to the world of music, jazz. Many of the jazz greats like Buddy Bolden, considered the father of jazz, and the incomparable Louis Armstrong played music on the streets in funeral and second-line brass bands. We have wanted this at the Opry for some time, and it will be a fitting conclusion for the season.